Hydraulic return oil filters are essential for removing mechanical impurities and oil residues from hydraulic oil, preventing valve blockages and component wear that can lead to system failures. What are the key considerations when installing return oil filter elements?
The Filter Element
The filter element is installed at the inlet of the pump, providing protection for all components of the system. However, due to the pump's suction resistance, it's crucial to select a filter with low pressure loss. Additionally, inline devices should be used in the oil delivery pipeline because of the lower filtration accuracy; particles generated from pump wear may enter the system, not fully protecting other hydraulic components.
Location of the Return Oil Filter
The filter element of the return oil filter is installed at the outlet of the hydraulic pump, effectively safeguarding components beyond the pump. However, as the return oil filter operates under high pressure, the strength of the filter element must be enhanced. To prevent hydraulic pump overload or damage due to filter blockage, it's advisable to install a blockage indicator or bypass valve next to the return oil device for added protection.