Sinft Filters corrosion resistant metal felt filter element products and stainless steel elements are found extensively in power plants, such as turbine lube skid systems, pumps and gearboxes.Additionally, our industrial process filter elements are widely employed in power generation applications.We supply desiccant breathers that block moisture and particulate from entering critical equipment.
Sinft Filters also supplies complete low pressure filter assemblies (housings and elements) that are ideal for many power plant applications.
SINFT Filter assist in prescribing new or upgrading the existing filters your equipment depends on to keep working consistently and at the same time avoiding costly downtime.
Power generation filter element offered is suitable for steam turbines, cogeneration plants and gas turbines sites as well as nuclear stations and hydro-electric plants.
Our filter elements are ideal replacements for many OEM elements, and are designed to be functionally and dimensionally interchangeable to
Pall® filter elements
Parker® filter elements
Mahle filter elements
Hilco®/Hilliard® filter elements
Indufil® filter elements
Boll & Kirch® filter elements
and filter elements from many other manufacturers
*All tradenames referenced are the trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks of their repsective holders. Sinft Filters does not claim to produce other manufacturer's filters and/or strainer elements.